10 Gigabit Ethernet

  • 万兆以太网;10吉比特乙太网路
10 Gigabit Ethernet10 Gigabit Ethernet
  1. Study on implementing of 10 gigabit ethernet physical layer


  2. Application research of 10 Gigabit Ethernet


  3. 10 Gigabit Ethernet Optical Interface and Its Implementation


  4. The Next Generation 10 Gigabit Ethernet


  5. Relying on joint efforts of project members , the author brings forward a set of complete projects to resolve the expressway communication network which center on 10 Gigabit Ethernet technology .


  6. It has been found that the plan settle down perfectly the problems that expressway communication network faces and lays the foundation for the enterprise about the development of 10 Gigabit Ethernet construction realms in the future .


  7. As one of the key components of 10 Gigabit Ethernet and SDH / SONET , serializer must handle high-frequency signals whose frequencies are half of the data rate ( 10-Gb / s ) .
